Join forces with the crowd and help out nonprofits with their most urgent work.

Cycling for Good 2025 supports Woman For Freedom
By Women For Freedom ETS
Women For Freedom was founded on 22 January 2014. The founding members' dream is to create a new style of effective and efficient humanitarian action:...

Reyes Irene
By Brücke Le Pont
Bildung als Chance für junge Frauen ohne Perspektive

Cycling for Good 2025 supports TISCHLEIN DECK DICH
By Tischlein deck dich
Cycling for Good (C4G) is an initiative of UBS employees to take their bikes and cross the Alps starting in Munich and ending in Padua over 5 days (72...

Mobile Health Team Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia
By Sain Mamau
Sain Mamau will be sending a mobile health team on a two week trip to the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) at the end of May, beginning of June, 2...

Get Them Home
By Papayago Rescue House
Papayago Rescue House (PRH) intends to create a measure for birds that escape home or car, to be returned to their guardian (RTG). Reduce the risk of ...

taki miundo school for deaf children
By taki mundo Institut für benachteiligte Jugendliche
Our vision
By providing a qualified education, taki mundo opens up a future with prospects for deaf and hearing-impaired young people in Uruapan. We ...

Our event will benefit two non-profits, as in the past: Children’s Miracles Network (Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital) and the Hudsen Memorial R...

Unity Bridge and Entrance Phase III
By Chosewood Park CDC, Inc.
The Chosewood Park Unity Bridge and Entrance project Phase III is a transformative initiative aimed at revitalizing Chosewood Park, a cherished green ...

Community Health Training
By Breath of Life International
In the Dominican Republic town of El Catey, healthcare is limited, with residents often facing significant barriers to accessing medical services. Rec...

Bridge to Tomorrow, Empowering Reentry and Transition
By Life After the Wall INC
Life After the Wall, Inc. is dedicated to assisting individuals in their reentry into society after facing various challenges, such as incarceration o...

Food Bank
By First Pioneer Valley Dream Center
Every Wednesday, we provide pre-packaged meals, bread donations and weekly provisions of non-perishables to about 50-70 individuals.

Bear Captains
By Outdoor Life Leadership
For young men, ages 18-24, this program focuses on leadership and volunteering. These young adult men mentor and support younger participants, teachin...

Bear Archers
By Outdoor Life Leadership
The Bear Archers program teaches young men, ages 7-17, important skills like survival, disaster preparedness, public safety, and leadership. Through o...

FiZ (Freizeit in Zug)
By Vereinigung insieme Cerebral Zug
FiZ (Freizeit in Zug) ist ein Freizeitangebot für Erwachsene & Jugendliche ab 16 Jahren mit einer geistigen und/oder körperlichen Behinderung im K...

Fit for Winter 2024
By Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU
We have passed the mark of 1000 days into the Russian war waged against Ukraine. Nevertheless, life continues and in the first 9 months of this year, ...

Projects in Peru
By Nouvelle Planète
Everything we do in the peruvian Amazon rainforest starts from the premise that indigenous peoples know what they need, and how to protect their rainf...

Projects in Vietnam
By Nouvelle Planète
We support projects aimed at raising living standards for rural communities in two provinces of the Mekong Delta and the coastal region. We are curren...

Projects in Burkina Faso
By Nouvelle Planète
A large part of our work takes place in Godyr and Didyr, communes where we run agriculture, water projects, support income-generating activities, and ...

Projects in Benin
By Nouvelle Planète
Supported demands are coming from village associations and women groups engaged in improving living conditions of the local population. Nouvelle Planè...

Projects in Guinea
By Nouvelle Planète
Our main focus is to address the needs of women’s, farmers’ and village groups in remote, rural sub-prefectures in Kindia region. We are currently foc...

Projects in Madagascar
By Nouvelle Planète
We focus on promoting relevant, context-appropriate, and consistent local development in remote Central Highland communities. We are currently mainly ...

Projects in Senegal
By Nouvelle Planète
We are currently running projects in four rural municipalities: Boulèle and Ndiognick (Kaffrine Region), and Sansamba and Bambaly (Sedhiou Region in C...

Employee Engagement and Corporate Volunteering
By WWF Schweiz
Team events in the name of nature
More and more companies are recognizing sustainability as a core concept of our time. Are you one of them? Would yo...

Affordable Home Build Project
By Omni Affordable Housing Inc.
The Affordable Home Build Project aims to create sustainable, living spaces that empower individuals and families of all ages to purchase a home affor...

Green Future Alliance
Green Future Alliance (GFA) is a non-profit organization established on October 4, 2024, in Bopolu City, Gbarpolu County, Liberia. The organization's ...

Bring Women Back to Work
By Bring Women Back to Work
Bring Women Back to Work envisions a world where diversity, inclusion, and gender equality thrive in workplaces. We aim to provide a transform...

Education for All
By Brainpower Development Centre LBG
We strive to provide quality education to children in rural areas, ensuring every child has access to learning opportunities that enable them to succe...

Roof Repair and Replacement for our Target Market
By Rooftop Angels Inc
To provide affordable, high-quality roofing solutions to low-income families, elderly, disabled individuals, and veterans, while fostering community p...

Jarred Up
By Rooftop Angels Inc
The Jarred Up Program brings together volunteers to prepare wholesome meals, including soups, chilis, pastas, vegetables, and fruits, which are jarred...

Empowered Education
By Don't DisMyAbilities, Inc. (DDMA)
The Empowered Education project is a collaboration of three 501c(3) nonprofit agencies, with the training presented by TOPAA, in partnership with the ...

Activités Physiques Adaptées pour les enfants à l'hôpital
By Fondation Planètes Enfants Malades
Il est essentiel que les enfants hospitalisés puissent continuer de se mouvoir en dépit de leur état de santé et de manière totalement adaptée à leur ...

Lösungsorientierte Selbsthilfegruppen
By Bundesverband Burnout und Depression e.V.
Der BBuD unterstützt die Gründung von lokalen oder Online-Selbsthilfegruppen zum Thema Burnout und Depression. Die lösungsorientierten Selbsthilfegrup...

ThanksGiver Schweiz expansion to 11 food banks
By ThanksGiver Schweiz
Established in 2020 with the goal of aiding local communities, ThanksGiver has now grown to six food banks, supplying food and essential daily items t...

Projekt «Nina House»
By Sara Aduse Foundation
Schaffung eines Dialogs zwischen Frauen und Männern zum Thema FGM/C
Die Schaffung eines offenen Dialogs zwischen Frauen und Männer über FGM/C (weibli...

Transform an entire community
By Helping Hands eV Wirkungsvoll helfen Nachhaltig verändern
Integrative Kinderzentren fördern die Bildung besonders benachteiligter Kinder (und Familien) und dienen zudem ihrer gesundheitlichen Entwicklung. Unt...

MarMo Kitchen
By MarMo Innovation
MarMo Kitchen will be used as an incubate shared workspace where aspiring chefs, caterers, and local food entrepreneurs can access affordable kitchen ...

MarMo Market
By MarMo Innovation
The MarMo Market Initiative is designed to create a platform for local entrepreneurs, artists, creators and innovators to showcase their talent and pr...

JCTA Master Plan
By Johnson County Trails Association
We will develop new and promote existing trails in Johnson County for the
purpose of healthy recreation for our citizenry, economic re-vitalization -...

Panoply Journal
The Center for International Relations and International Security publishes a journal at least once per year. The journal is peer-reviewed and researc...

Saving One Until There are None
By Team Rocky Enterprises Inc
How We Help Great Danes
Providing for the rescue and care of those who have been abandoned, neglected, and/or abused by their previous owners.

Food for the Cure Garden Expansion
By Food for the Cure
At Food for the Cure, our mission is to cultivate organic produce for cancer patients in the KC Metro Area. Presently, we operate on a 48'x'30' rented...

Fund Raising
By Help All Vets Inc.
As a newly established 501c3 organization of six months, we are facing the challenge of raising donations to support our efforts in providing technolo...

InCluded Launch Campaign
By InCluded
Support InCluded in our mission to foster inclusivity and empowerment! By helping us raise funds and spread awareness, you contribute to making a posi...

McToberfest Fall Fundraiser
By Brothers McMurray Family Charity Ltd
Our fall fundraiser in Peoria, Illinois is dedicated to raising essential funds for the OSF Comprehensive Cancer Care Center. This state-of-the-art ca...

Save Common Redstarts in the Alpes vaudoises
By Alpes Vivantes
The project focuses on preserving biodiversity in the Alpes vaudoises. The project's ambassador is the Common Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), a ch...

Alpes vivantes
By Alpes Vivantes
The Association of Alpes Vivantes
The Association "Alpes Vivantes" is an association under private law, independent and with an ideal aim. ...

By CARVE Africa
CARVE Africa provides stimulating menstrual health workshops that encompass reproductive health topics such as anatomy and the menstrual cycle. These ...
 Team Building Event/638543822138935589.png)
Labdoo Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Team Building Event
By Verein
CSR covers a broad spectrum of topics that are of great importance in corporate management.
Labdoo Switzerland offers a dedicated CSR workshop and te...

Waves of Change
By Drops of Water
The Waves of Change project is a transformative initiative by Drops of Water aimed at addressing critical water scarcity issues in Cameroon. This mult...

Youth Empowerment Tea Party Fundraiser
By Nu'Goddess Foundation Inc
In the heart of our community, a tradition of hope and inspiration will brews at the Annual Youth Empowerment Tea Party Fundraiser. This elegant gathe...

Back To School Festival
By Nu'Goddess Foundation Inc
Imagine the excitement and anxiety a child feels as the new school year approaches. For many, it's a time filled with anticipation, new friends, and t...

From Waste Management to Materials Management Penang Project Stage One
By Circular Economy Asia Inc
Circular Economy Asia Inc. is registered in Victoria, Australia and based in Malaysia. CEA focuses on three key areas: (1) The development of a second...

Education Program
By Rahabs Daughters
The program aims to educate the community about human trafficking through workshops, seminars, and informational sessions conducted by Rahab's Daughte...

ROCK YOUR LIFE! Trainerin oder Trainer für potenzialorientiertes Mentoring
Das ROCK YOUR LIFE! (RYL!) Mentoring-Programm unterstützt in der Schweiz seit 2013 Jugendliche beim erfolgreichen Start ins Berufsleben oder der sozia...

Unterstütze ROCK YOUR LIFE! in Deiner Stadt
Das ROCK YOUR LIFE! (RYL!) Mentoring-Programm unterstützt in der Schweiz seit 2013 Jugendliche beim erfolgreichen Start ins Berufsleben oder der sozia...

Für die Idee ConSol
By ConSol Berufliche Perspektiven
Mit dem Angebot von geschützten Arbeitsplätzen und Wiedereinstiegsmöglichkeiten in den Arbeitsmarkt bietet ConSol berufliche Perspektiven für Menschen...

Building a Working Training Kitchen in South Africa to offer skills training to the unemployed
By Swiss4Afrika
Soli Deo Gloria Care Centre (Soli) in Lydenburg, South Africa is currently a Non-Profit Charity who cares for the destitute people of Lydenburg. Soli ...

Kunsttherapie für schwer kranke Kinder und Jugendliche in Schweizer Spitälern
Hospitalisierte Kinder und Jugendliche – Eine belastende Situation für die ganze Familie
Junge Patienten kämpfen nebst den körperlichen Folgen ihres ...

2024 South County EDC Economic Summit
By South County Economic Development Council
Providing opportunities for students and emerging leaders to access the SCEDC (South County Economic Development Council) Economic Summit is a strateg...

Young Entrepreneurs Academy
By South County Economic Development Council
The South County Economic Development Council (SCEDC) is seeking funding for the implementation of the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA), a year-long ...

Sanitary Patrol
By Asociatia Ambulanta.Life
About Us The Sanitary Patrol operates as an active part of the Ambulance Volunteer Service, operated by the Ambulan?a.Life Association. The Sanitary P...

The Cambridge Collective
By The Dandelion Philosophy
The Dandelion Philosophy combines charity work with science, business strategy and innovation to help solve problems such as hunger, poverty and unem...

For children and young people in Teslic
By Association for development, improvement and support of the community
Teslic becomes the epicenter of a young, dynamic and incredibly inspiring campaign that aims to encourage the promotion of healthy lifestyles among yo...

Providing special education and therapy services for the children with neuro developmental disabilities
By Organization for Disabled Improvement and Rights (ODIR)
Organizations devoted to upholding their rights and promoting tolerance are a glimmer of light in a culture that frequently marginalizes people with d...

Shipment of medical equipment to Ukraine
By Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU
"Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU" started its operation as an Association in May 2022. Its mission lies in supporting Ukraine and its healthc...

Sponsor a center for 50 students
By is a global movement that provides education for vulnerable school dropouts in developing and emerging countries. Our teaching ...

Fit for winter
By Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU
The ongoing war has led to a 30% decline in overall births in Ukraine, coupled with an increase in maternity and delivery complications, including pre...

Hilfe für Flüchtlinge Status S inklusive Kinderbetreuung
By ChurPlus
Wir haben vor 8 Monaten angefangen für Flüchtlinge Status S, hauptsächlich für Ukrainer eine Betreuung aufzubauen, wo wir über gezielte Förderung und ...

Unterstützung der Ureinwohner Ecuadors
GREEN BOOTS - Rainforests for our Future
GREEN BOOTS ist ist ein gemeinnütziger, nicht gewinnorientierter Verein mit Sitz in Effretikon (ZH). Der Ver...

Demokratie Initiative für ein modernes Bürgerinnenrecht in der Schweiz
By Operation Libero
Wir wollen den Menschen, die seit fünf Jahren in der Schweiz leben, lieben und arbeiten und auf unterschiedliche Weise zur Gesellschaft beitragen, pol...

Pferdegestützte Therapie für Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen
By HippotherapieZentrum
Das Hippotherapie-Zentrum ist eine gemeinnützige Institution, die verschiedene individuell abgestimmte pferdegestützte Therapieformen für Kinder, Juge...

Enhancing Girls Education and Employability Skills through sports
By Charity Centre for Children and Youth Development
In Zambia, just like most parts in the Southern Africa, the prevalence of teenage pregnancy is high and a prominent issue in social, political, and cu...

Stop the war on children
By Save the Children
Major escalations of violence have occured across the globe in recent months. The number of children reported killed in just three weeks has surpassed...

Betreute Ferien für einen Menschen mit Demenz
By Alzheimer Schweiz
Das mehrtägige Ferienangebot von Alzheimer Schweiz ermöglicht den betreuenden Angehörigen Entlastung und an Demenz erkrankten Menschen eine angepasste...

Sponsor the Mother and Child Programme in India
By TAPF Switzerland
The onset of the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis caught us all unprepared, but it was the low-income sections of society that were hit the hardest. To s...

Unlimited Food For Education
By TAPF Switzerland
The Akshaya Patra Foundation serves mid-day meals to school children in government and government-aided schools of India.
Children have come back to...

For children and young people in Switzerland
By Pro Juventute
As the largest Swiss foundation for the promotion of children and young people, we get involved wherever children and young people and their parents e...