Join forces with the crowd and help out nonprofits with their most urgent work.
Panoply Journal
The Center for International Relations and International Security publishes a journal at least once per year. The journal is peer-reviewed and researc...
Saving One Until There are None
By Team Rocky Enterprises Inc
How We Help Great Danes
Providing for the rescue and care of those who have been abandoned, neglected, and/or abused by their previous owners.
Food for the Cure Garden Expansion
By Food for the Cure
At Food for the Cure, our mission is to cultivate organic produce for cancer patients in the KC Metro Area. Presently, we operate on a 48'x'30' rented...
Labdoo Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Team Building Event
By Verein
CSR covers a broad spectrum of topics that are of great importance in corporate management.
Labdoo Switzerland offers a dedicated CSR workshop and te...
Waves of Change
By Drops of Water
The Waves of Change project is a transformative initiative by Drops of Water aimed at addressing critical water scarcity issues in Cameroon. This mult...
Cycling for Good
By Pro Juventute
Together we strengthen the mental health of children and young people in Switzerland.
Cycling for Good (C4G) is an initiative of UBS employees to tak...
Für die Idee ConSol
By ConSol - Berufliche Perspektiven
Mit dem Angebot von geschützten Arbeitsplätzen und Wiedereinstiegsmöglichkeiten in den Arbeitsmarkt bietet ConSol berufliche Perspektiven für Menschen...
Building a Working Training Kitchen in South Africa to offer skills training to the unemployed
By Swiss4Afrika
Soli Deo Gloria Care Centre (Soli) in Lydenburg, South Africa is currently a Non-Profit Charity who cares for the destitute people of Lydenburg. Soli ...
Kunsttherapie für schwer kranke Kinder und Jugendliche in Schweizer Spitälern
Hospitalisierte Kinder und Jugendliche – Eine belastende Situation für die ganze Familie
Junge Patienten kämpfen nebst den körperlichen Folgen ihres ...
The Cambridge Collective
By The Dandelion Philosophy
The Dandelion Philosophy combines charity work with science, business strategy and innovation to help solve problems such as hunger, poverty and unem...
For children and young people in Teslic
By Association for development, improvement and support of the community
Teslic becomes the epicenter of a young, dynamic and incredibly inspiring campaign that aims to encourage the promotion of healthy lifestyles among yo...
Providing special education and therapy services for the children with neuro developmental disabilities
By Organization for Disabled Improvement and Rights (ODIR)
Organizations devoted to upholding their rights and promoting tolerance are a glimmer of light in a culture that frequently marginalizes people with d...
Shipment of medical equipment to Ukraine
By Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU
"Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU" started its operation as an Association in May 2022. Its mission lies in supporting Ukraine and its healthc...
Fit for winter
By Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU
The ongoing war has led to a 30% decline in overall births in Ukraine, coupled with an increase in maternity and delivery complications, including pre...
Unterstützung der Ureinwohner Ecuadors
GREEN BOOTS - Rainforests for our Future
GREEN BOOTS ist ist ein gemeinnütziger, nicht gewinnorientierter Verein mit Sitz in Effretikon (ZH). Der Ver...
Demokratie Initiative für ein modernes Bürgerinnenrecht in der Schweiz
By Operation Libero
Wir wollen den Menschen, die seit fünf Jahren in der Schweiz leben, lieben und arbeiten und auf unterschiedliche Weise zur Gesellschaft beitragen, pol...
Enhancing Girls Education and Employability Skills through sports
By Charity Centre for Children and Youth Development
In Zambia, just like most parts in the Southern Africa, the prevalence of teenage pregnancy is high and a prominent issue in social, political, and cu...
Stop the war on children
By Save the Children
Major escalations of violence have occured across the globe in recent months. The number of children reported killed in just three weeks has surpassed...
Betreute Ferien für einen Menschen mit Demenz
By Alzheimer Schweiz
Das mehrtägige Ferienangebot von Alzheimer Schweiz ermöglicht den betreuenden Angehörigen Entlastung und an Demenz erkrankten Menschen eine angepasste...
Sponsor the Mother and Child Programme in India
By TAPF Switzerland
The onset of the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis caught us all unprepared, but it was the low-income sections of society that were hit the hardest. To s...
Unlimited Food For Education
By TAPF Switzerland
The Akshaya Patra Foundation serves mid-day meals to school children in government and government-aided schools of India.
Children have come back to...
For children and young people in Switzerland
By Pro Juventute
As the largest Swiss foundation for the promotion of children and young people, we get involved wherever children and young people and their parents e...