Fit for Winter 2024
We have passed the mark of 1000 days into the Russian war waged against Ukraine. Nevertheless, life continues and in the first 9 months of this year, over 134,000 babies were born in Ukraine. Of this, almost 8500 are “early birds” that have come out prematurely. Among the reasons for this are ongoing hostilities, constant stress and anxiety. And it is not fair that these small innocent creatures have to face deprivation of light and warmth this winter due to Russia mercilessly destroying Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.
Thus, for the third winter in a row, Zuerich hilft der Ukraine joined efforts with partners like the Ukrainian Association of Parents of Prematurely Born Children "Early Birds”, the Association of Swiss Hospitals H+, and the Ukrainian Academy of Pediatric Specialties, Bauchkids to support Ukrainian newborns and their families. During the last 2 years, we supported nearly 500 babies with essentials for the cold times – blankets, sleeping bags, heaters and more. Please help us to bring warmth to even more babies this winter!
Prematurely born babies often risk subcooling, particularly during the winter months. Our campaign addresses this problem by providing support to premature babies in Ukraine, ensuring they receive the necessary care from the first days of their lives.
With a donation of CHF 50, supporters can contribute to a package containing essential items for premature babies (blankets, heaters, sleeping bags, clothes, wipes, pampers, therapeutic toys). Also, we highlight this campaign in our social media (Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin), so you can share the information to strengthen the visibility of our cause.
Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU
Der Verein ZhdU ist ein Zusammenschluss von Freiwilligen, die sich in der Schweiz für humanitäre Nothilfe in Krisengebieten engagieren. Gemäss Statuten sind die Aufgaben unseres Vereins
Organisieren humanitärer Sachspenden im klinischen Bereich
Versand humanitärer Sachspenden an auf humanitäre Nothilfe angewiesene Bevölkerung in Krisengebieten
Vertretung der Interessen des Vereins und seiner Mitglieder
Zusammenarbeit mit Organisationen, Institutionen und Unternehmen
Wir danken allen Menschen, die ZhdU ermöglicht haben und die Mission des Vereins unterstützen. Herzlichsten Dank!