Colt Geneva collects for autistic children
The Geneva Team at Colt Technology Services has decided as part of Colt Charity Bike Ride to help the association OVA objectif Vaincre l’Autisme. Our goal is to collect money to enable OVA to continue taking care of Autistic children and help them to have another perspective of life. OVA, declared of public utility and non-profit does not receive any subsidy.
Autistic children have different needs in life. The ova association has the goal to diversify intervention services for autism in Switzerland by offering an intensive behavioral intervention based on scientific research already recognized and practiced in many countries.
As a committed company, we support our employees and many local organizations around the globe with fundraising campaigns and volunteer work. Further information on our social commitment can be found here:
Thank you very much for your support!
GREEN BOOTS setzt sich auf verschiedenen Ebenen für den Regenwaldschutz ein und
- unterstützt Regenwaldschutzprojekte vor Ort,
- bringt der Schweizer Bevölkerung das Ökosystem Regenwald und seine Bedeutung näher und
- engagiert sich politisch für mehr Regenwaldschutz in der Schweiz wie auch in Regenwaldländern.