Shipment of medical equipment to Ukraine
"Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU" started its operation as an Association in May 2022. Its mission lies in supporting Ukraine and its healthcare affected by the ongoing war. ZhdU has collaborated with the Embassy of Ukraine in Switzerland and partners such as the Association of Swiss Hospitals H+ to deliver over 500 tonnes of humanitarian aid to where it is most needed in Ukraine.
ZhdU has won the trust of Swiss hospitals and some of them are ready to continuously support Ukrainian counterparts with materials. We take the challenge to organise the transportation of these valuable donations from Switzerland to Ukraine, but we need your help to cover the costs of fuel and the work of drivers. The next dispatch will go from Zurich to Kharkiv which is 2575 km, help us to overcome this distance by donating!
Your donation will bring help to where it is most needed. Also, you can subscribe to our social media (Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin) where we will update on the transportation of materials once it is successfully arranged.
Find more information about our latest medical equipment delivery on the following link:
Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU
Der Verein ZhdU ist ein Zusammenschluss von Freiwilligen, die sich in der Schweiz für humanitäre Nothilfe in Krisengebieten engagieren. Gemäss Statuten sind die Aufgaben unseres Vereins
Organisieren humanitärer Sachspenden im klinischen Bereich
Versand humanitärer Sachspenden an auf humanitäre Nothilfe angewiesene Bevölkerung in Krisengebieten
Vertretung der Interessen des Vereins und seiner Mitglieder
Zusammenarbeit mit Organisationen, Institutionen und Unternehmen
Wir danken allen Menschen, die ZhdU ermöglicht haben und die Mission des Vereins unterstützen. Herzlichsten Dank!