Mountain pasture clearing
Über den Event
Program: maintenance work and removal of unwanted plants on the Alp of "La Glacière" between Pont de Nant and the Alps “The Richard”
Geocoordinates: 2'575'623.61, 1'122'488.32 (CH1903+ / LV95)
For a sustainable management of wooded mountain pastures, it is fundamental to keep a balance between grazing areas and wooded areas. The increase of trees on the alp pasture is significant in our region. By taking part in maintenance days, you will act for the conservation of alpine species and assure a sustainable living space for farmers. The Alp of the Glacière is located in the Commune of Bex, not far from Pont de Nant. The Alp of Richard is specialised in goat cheese productions. The Alpes vivantes association is involved in concrete maintenance activities in the Alpes vaudoises. By participating in one of these field days, you will experiment the reality of a mountain farmer, broaden your knowledge of alpine species and make an important contribution for the preservation of the unique biodiversity of the Alpes vaudoises. Awareness-raising activities on the local biodiversity will also be organised during the team event.
09:30 arrival at Pont de Nant
09:30-10:00 Organisation and Walk to the Alp of " La Glacière"
10:00-12:00 Clean up actions
10:00-12:00 Awareness-raising activities on the local biodiversity in groups
12:00-13.00 Lunch on the Alp
13:00-16:00 Clean up actions
13:00-16:00 Awareness-raising activities on the local biodiversity in groups
16:00-16:30 Feedback session and walk back to Pont de Nant
Saisonale Verfügbarkeit
We suggest you bring a picnic.
An apero with local products will also be offered by Alpes vivantes.
Take with you
Hiking or trekking shoes
Working gloves
Outdoor clothing
Sun cream, sun hat, sunglasses or rain trousers (depending on weather conditions)
The Alpes vivantes association is involved in concrete maintenance activities in the Alpes vaudoises. By participating in one of these field days, you will experiment the reality of a mountain farmer, broaden your knowledge of alpine species and make an important contribution for the preservation of the unique biodiversity of the Alpes vaudoises. Awareness-raising activities on the local biodiversity will also be organised during the team event.
Startpunkt / -zeit
Endpunkt / -zeit
Event findet statt
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