A Pickaxe Cure
Über den Event
Program: removal of the invasive alien tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) with the help of a pickaxe in the town of Bex
Invasive alien plants are considered as one of the main factors of biodiversity erosion. The presence of these species is reported in several places in the Alpes vaudoises and in the town of Bex. We propose to manage concrete actions to eliminate or reduce the presence of the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) in the region.
The Ailanthus altissima, originally from China, was introduced in Europe in the 18th century as an ornamental tree. Endowed with a fast growth and ability to multiply by suckering (shoots coming from the roots), it is very competitive and has spread rapidly in the nature. In Switzerland, it replaces locally the native flora and is considered as an invasive plant.
The Alpes vivantes association is involved in concrete nature conservation activities in the Alpes vaudoises. By participating in one of these Pick-axe Cure days, you will roll up your sleeves, get sweaty and pull-out invasive plants. It will be an important contribution for the preservation of the unique biodiversity of the Alpes vaudoises.
09:30-10:00 arrival, explanation, welcoming tea or coffee
10:00-12:00 Pulling out plants with a Pickaxe and Removing unwanted trees
11:00-11:30 Know transfert on neophytes plants ( in group)
12:00-13:00 Lunch
14:30-15:00 Know transfert on neophytes plants ( in group)
13:00-16:00 Pulling out plants with a Pickaxe and Removing unwanted trees
16:30 end of the field day, feedback with tea or coffee
Saisonale Verfügbarkeit
Apero at midday, tea and coffee on arrival and departure
Working gloves
Pickaxes, shovels...
It is possible to organise field days from August to December.
The town of Bex is easy to be reach by train or by car.
Startpunkt / -zeit
Endpunkt / -zeit
Event findet statt
Unterstützte UN SDGs
Geschätzte Anzahl der Veranstaltungsteilnehmer
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